Our document library page contains environmental statements, reports, applications, and general information about the project. This material is for the general public.
Our virtual exhibition replicates the information presented at our public engagement events and also includes links to relevant documents and ongoing surveys. It is updated as and when new information becomes available and is a useful resource for those unable to attend face-to-face events.

The Offshore Habitats Regulation Appraisal (HRA) Screening Report has been produced to inform the HRA process for Arven Offshore Wind Farm. It provides information to enable the screening of Arven Offshore Wind Farm and determine the potential for likely significant effects (LSE) on European and Ramsar sites of nature conservation importance. Feedback on the Report will inform the scope of the Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment (RIAA) to be submitted with the Marine Licence and Section 36 Consent applications for Arven Offshore Wind Farm.

The Offshore Scoping Report sets out what needs to be assessed in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Arven Offshore Wind Farm, identifies the information needed to inform assessment and defines the approach to assessment. The Report has been informed by publicly available information as well as site-specific survey data. Feedback from pre-scoping engagement in the form of workshops, one-to-one meetings with stakeholders and a public engagement event has also informed the Offshore Scoping Report. The Scoping Report is submitted to Scottish Ministers to support a request to them for a scoping opinion. The scoping opinion will inform the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) to be submitted with the Marine Licence and Section 36 Consent applications for Arven Offshore Wind Farm.

This document accompanies the first public engagement event and provides a full summary of the presentation.

In 2023, Crown Estate Scotland published our Supply Chain Development Statements (SCDS) for the Arven Offshore Wind Farm which showcase our anticipated project expenditure with commitments to the country’s offshore wind sector. Please note that whilst we are developing the sites jointly, Arven Offshore Wind Farm and Arven South remain different entities contractually under the Crown Estate Scotland lease which is why we have one SCDS for Arven and another for Arven South.